Monday - 10/23/17

Thank you to everyone who came out this weekend for our 6th Annual Battle for the Bell and thank you to all of our volunteers who gave up their Saturday to help make the day a success! We'll be posting our event recap on tomorrow's blog. 


Front Squat

  • 5-5-5-5

8 Minute AMRAP

  • Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Every break = 15 Sit-ups
    • Score = Total Wall Ball

Today's blog photos are courtesy of @oohoomoos365

The 'Little' Bells.

The 'Little' Bells.

'Highway to Hell' ... review, everyone's (least) favorite workout ever.

'Highway to Hell' ... review, everyone's (least) favorite workout ever.

Garrett pulling hard through his row.

Garrett pulling hard through his row.

Rachie looking strong on the bike.

Rachie looking strong on the bike.