Thursday 2/1/18

Congratulations to everyone who completed January's 1,000 Wall Ball Challenge! I meant to get a photo of the final challenge scoreboard for today's post and unfortunately forgot. We'll get it posted on tomorrow's blog with January's Finest.

With February being a short month and having the Open kick off on the 22nd this month's challenge will be a little different. We're breaking the month down into a series of mini AMRAPs. We will be dividing the month into 3 weeks, for the purpose of this challenge we are going to have each week start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday. Each week you will have as many attempts as you like at putting up As Many Reps as Possible in 90 seconds of the challenge movement. You are welcome to practice / prepare for any of the upcoming weeks however you would like. Once a challenge week ends you will not be allowed up update your score that that movement. 

Also this Sunday at 9:00am is the next installment of our Sunday Skills series. This month's Skill Session will be focused on Double Unders. 

Challenge Weeks

  • 2/4 to 2/10 - Week 1: Max Double Unders in 90 Seconds

  • 2/11 to 2/17 - Week 2: Max Burpees in 90 Seconds

  • 2/18 to 224 - Week 3: Max Cal Air Bike in 90 Seconds



Back Squat

  • 3-3-3-3-3

4 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
  • Toes to Bar
  • Rest
    • Score = Total Reps
Sophia during her 24" box jumps.

Sophia during her 24" box jumps.

Jen fighting for those 18 calories.

Jen fighting for those 18 calories.

Good to see Chris back at Strongtown!

Good to see Chris back at Strongtown!

