Thursday 5/3/18


"CrossFit Globo Gym"
Complete Each Station:

Battle Ropes 3 Sets Max Effort for 30 seconds
Rest as Needed between

Sets Dumbbell Curls 5 Set of 10 reps - 10 each arm, Same weight
Curl Both Arms Together = Extra Gains
Alternating Arms = Gains

Sled Pull (AHAP) 5 Sets of 30' - Same Weight
Keep feet planted for pulls

Dog Sled Push (AHAP) 5 Sets of 30' - Same Weight

GHD sit-ups
5 x 10

*Athlete can split up / rotate through stations however they choose but must complete all the work required.

Bernie showing good form on his air squats.

Bernie showing good form on his air squats.

Kelly wearing her 14 lb weight vest to get ready for Memorial Day Murph.

Kelly wearing her 14 lb weight vest to get ready for Memorial Day Murph.

Scotty during his butterfly pull-ups.

Scotty during his butterfly pull-ups.

