Week of 7/15/24 - 7/19/24

Week of 7/15/24 - 7/19/24

Monday - 7/15/24
4 Min AMRAP x 5:

  • 400m Row    

  • 12 Single DB Step-up Overs (24/20”) (50/35 lbs)    

  • Max Push-ups

    • Score = Total Push-ups    

    • Rx1 = 40/25 lbs    

    • Rx3 = 60/40 lbs    

    • $ = DB + Weight Vest

Tuesday - 7/16/24
Establish a Max Complex:

  • 1 Power Cleans    

  • 2 Hang Power Clean    

  • 1 Jerk

    • Score = Weight

For Time:

  • For Time:    

    • 25 PC (95/65 lbs)      

    • 1 Min Rest    

Wednesday - 7/17/24
Back Squat:

  • 2-2-2-2-2 | Increasing

8 Minute Ladder:

  • +4 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)    

  • 1 Rope Climb  

    • Score = Total Reps

Thursday - 7/18/24
Time Trial:

  • 4,000m Bike

“Helen Bikes”
3 Rounds - For Time

  • 1,000m Bike    

  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)  

  • 12 Pull-ups

    • Score = Total Time

Friday - 7/19/24
5 Rounds - For a Good Time:

  • 200m Carry*    

  • 4 Bench Press (increasing)    

  • 120’ Sled Push/Pull (225/155 lbs)


  •  Rnd 1 - Med Ball (20/14 lbs)  

  • Rnd 2 - Plate (45/25 lbs)  

  • Rnd 3 - DB (50/33 lbs)  

  • Rnd 4 - KB (24/16 kg)  

  • Rnd 5 - Bar (95/65 lbs)  

    • Score = Bench Press Weight