Wednesday - 2/15/17: Guess the Open


Have you signed up yet?

We are now just about one week away from the start of the 2017 CrossFit Open aka our Strongtown Open! The first of five workouts will be announced next Thursday night at 8:00pm. With the Open starting up it also means that our 'Guess the Open Pool' will be returning as well

Every year of the Open (except for the 1st) CrossFit has repeated one workout from a previous year. In 2012 they repeated the final workout of 2011. In 2013 they repeated the 4th workout from 2012. In 2014 they went all the way back to the 1st workout of 2011. Moving onto 2015 they revisited the 2nd workout of 2014, and finally in 2016 they repeated the final workout of 2014. These are all highlighted on our cheat sheet / table to make things easier to follow.

Now this is CrossFit and there is no guarantee that just because they have done something in the past that they will be doing it again…but if the past years are any indication of what we’ll see then it’s a pretty safe bet.

The way the pool works is fairly simple…we’ll setup a chart on the main whiteboard with 2 grids. One for the week, the other for the workout…it will look very similar to the downloadable version, but without as many words. Anyone who wants to vote gets to write their initials twice…once in the week grid, and once in the workout grid. All votes must be entered by the start of the Open in order to count.

This year we are going to be opening up the pool to the entire gym, whether you’re participating in our Open or not you still get to vote. However, anyone who is signed up for the Open is basically playing at the VIP / High Roller table for more lucrative prizes…anyone not signed up can still win but they’re playing for different prizes.

All of today's blog info has been added to our Strongtown Open page for future refernce 

Prizes (participating in Strongtown Open)

  • Correct Week = 3 Bonus Points for Team + $20 Account Credit
  • Correct Workout = 6 Bonus Points for Team + $50 Account Credit
  • Correct Week & Workout = 9 Bonus Points for Team + $100 Account Credit

Prizes (not participating in Strongtown Open)

  • Correct Week = Free Rx Bar or MuscleUp Bar or Single Serving Protein
  • Correct Workout = Free CrossFit Strongtown T-Shirt
  • Correct Week & Workout = $25 Account Credit

Workout of the Day

Clean & Jerk Complex

  • 1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk
  • 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk
  • 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk
    • Work to a max complex, once the complex begins the barbell does not touch the ground until after the final jerk.

3 Rounds - Max Reps at Each Station in 1 Minute

  • Clean & Jerk (135/95 lbs)
  • Lateral Bar Burpees
  • Sit-ups
  • Rest
    • Score = Total Reps each Round (3 Scores)
Lou getting ready for his set.

Lou getting ready for his set.

Doc is preparing for his 5th year in the Open! 

Doc is preparing for his 5th year in the Open! 

The 4pm class starting their 20 calorie row.

The 4pm class starting their 20 calorie row.

