Week of 3/18/24 - 3/22/24
Monday - 3/18/24
3-3-3-3-3 | Increasing
Score = Weight
18-15-12-9: For Time
Double Dumbbell Deadlift (50/35 lbs)
500m Bike
Score = Total Time Rx1= 40/25 lbs Rx3= 60/40 lbs
Tuesday - 3/19/24
25 Minute AMRAP:
250m Row
10 Front Squat (95/65 lbs)
10 Ring Dips
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1= 7/5 Ring Dips
Rx3= 115/75 lbs
Wednesday - 3/20/24
5 Rounds - Not For Time (Quality):
150’ DB Ball Carry
15/12 Cal Ski Erg
90FT Sled Push (225/155 lbs)
10 Strict Toes to Bar
Score = Weight of D-Ball
Thursday - 3/21/24
Split Jerk
Score = Weight Used
3 Rounds - For Time:
50 Double Unders
10 Handstand Push-ups
Score = Total Time
Rx1= 1 Abmat HSPU
Rx3= 20’ HS Walk
Friday - 3/22/24
Hollow Hold
5 Sets
30” work | 1 Minute Rest Score = Time Held unbroken (5 Scores)
18 Minute AMRAP:
6 Burpee Pull-ups
12 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
18 Sit-ups
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1= 45/35
Rx3= 95/65 lbs